
10 cause business failure

Although people in the United States will have high purchasing power. But small businesses there over 50 per cent to close down.

Within four - the first five years. What happens? They do wrong? No one would think that business will then want to close shortly. You should learn the reasons that small businesses will be closed to seek protection or careful not to place it on your company.

1. Insurance on day shift. Many operators prefer not to deal with paperwork. Leave much on the table becoming Dinpakhaghmo. Emissions such a long time to not just that you must be tired later. However, some important documents may have disappeared.

2. Unwary competitors. Consumers today are not locked into one store or shop. Although used to a regular store or shop. They buy goods or services from only the best. Thailand is also one of them likes to try new. So you must always take note competitors. Do not be shy if copies good ideas. Others use. (But be careful with copyright นะ) try to take every week or every month how new products or services to the company.

3. Marketing plan is not good enough. You may have heard that. "Good advertising goods or services, better themselves," cautions that little. If you do not have time marketing themselves it. Employment or try to use his experience. Marketing products outsell better help. Easy money is flowing into.

4. Ignore the needs of customers. When your products or services and attracts customers. You must try every way to contact you to provide customers more. Services that customers are very impressed with the heart of the business because if you do. Not as you make them or not satisfied. They will find you another.

5. Employees do not have quality. Remember to choose to hire only employees who need the work. When employed must provide training or training courses, do not skimp because they work very well how much you would feel more only. Trying to create a good atmosphere to work because employees are happy to work commitment.

6. Lack of versatility. You may be good at work, cooking skills or computer repair. But there is not enough to make your business dream to run smoothly. Successful business owners tend to work or working knowledge of multiple accounts, such as marketing or choosing people.

7. Location is not good restaurant or a chef skilled Embedded grocery prices are still fail badly. If the opening in a bad location. When you're looking for business locations in Punjab must consider several factors such as traffic (your audience through your store at any frequency) comfort. (Local customers come to you how difficult or easy), etc..

8. A cash flow problem. You must know how to check or balance to see - out. Have predictable cash flow that is in hand. And required in the future. Because it will help you plan your spending and alerts to help cash-related issues that may arise.

9. Not increase knowledge. Operator each new step into the business community with different ideas. Many work until you deep lack of knowledge about the world outside, try looking for a mentor can provide counseling or advice before you invest money except what it should read a book or journal. To see the web site. About small businesses to update new information that could be applied to your business.

10. Plan is not good business plan that should draw do not set real high or too low. Set clear. Rather than that set. "To increase sales" is to set that "will sell one billion baht within next two months," write clear goals or plans for sales in each period. The course schedule. Do every day to be at their best with the view that by default or not. If still do not have a strategy should increase sales as soon as possible.

Routine helps push private business grow

Amy's heart to do SMEs use the salary itself is invested. To get started or founded.

The most possible. Before leaving to take a truly routine.

People, especially men pay. Would not deny that it ever would have thought the dream of its own affairs. But both ideas. And a dream to a reality. Would not occur easily.

The more the owners thought were passed with professional employment. Or a regular employee working one of the company. Because their own business venture is not enough to abandon a career on. To start new business enterprises to risk and difficult to do immediately.

The decision to work regularly. And use the bridge regularly. Homing. Helping hand or just learn to stand the matter. It is important and necessary because the routine to help him or her the money customers are market research and personal network. Support change.

Therefore, instructions that. Own business when asked to do a gradual think using "the 5 vertical supportive A. SMEs grow" from the ideas of Eric Weisfeld worm column Coast News Business Week will be available in the. practice for Thai men in salary. And abroad. The gait is thinking ahead. To establish their own business.

Worm Weisfeld emphasized that learning to adapt while also working to eat salary. We always thought that the routine will help build momentum to send the call. A business on the path of SMEs. And will feel better that. Routine does not own the arrest detention.

"When he or she has information. About market demand. And customers in hand. They can modify the data. To assist the business founded by myself, "Daniel Kerr Randy management consultancy of the UK CLS noted.

"To pay a capital contribution A. SMEs".

The first instructions from Gerry Gregory Moore because he has experience in founding companies. That can transfer exchange payment information with information of the patient. Between hospitals and medical clinics, insurance companies.

Moore presented the above ideas with TeraHealth. Software manufacturer first in 2543, the first phase of the support needed. But support A. SMEs from Moore's ideas by this software. Inconsistent and insincere.

Moore did not hold back. Decided to leave. And the salary of the regular work of business development itself. Documentation for marketing assistance. A certificate sales services themselves. Before to set up an office to have the most.

5 years after not wait TeraHealth. And decided to set its new Harbor Healthcare Moore to open business information services to people in the field of public health. By Moore to be revenue within 1 month after its founding.

"A heart made of SMEs is to pay yourself investors. To get started or founded. The most possible. Before leaving to take a truly routine, "said Moore reiterated.

"Change the words to criticize natural part of business plan".

Jeff Willis Gulf Knowles and Cliff La Sim pairs record as an example for this advice in 2544 because both of these former employees of ThinkEngine Networks to install telecommunications equipment company in Boston.

When the old Gulf Company Limited Hydro partner relationship management software. And leave record pairs Cisco sales management. Both work to listen to customers has always been.

When they see the idea of offering our customers with top executives. Receives no response or listen sincerely and Gulf Lisa Noble and La pairs Sponsors record is written business plan to own part-time job. Before leaving the company in 2545 and founded the new company. With savings that have accrued from their own salaries. They named the company that CallMiner.

CallMiner product search can think back to the attractive private investors. Required assistance to the Gulf on capital Lisa Noble. And leave more pairs Sponsors record. And more they are driven to create something new, as customers want more help generate business growth quickly.

"The advantage created by its old reputation."

Worm Weisfeld example Conenars which worked with Dan Lucas, Aart Systems. Video game production company Lucasfilm long as 11 years before leaving. After not receiving support ideas. To starting a new business to differ.

After Conenars Inc. comes out soon. He teamed with colleagues to leave the old one from Lucasfilm as well. To establish its name Tellate. With funds from the compensation received from companies and over 2 years old, then employees of Lucas Aart's leave of one another. Conenars which has 15 employees hired them.

Benefit from the use of the name Lucas R. Tellate States made no difficulties in finding customers. A customer of Lucas Aart's already. The Conenars Inc. recognized. Lucas's reputation Aart's help, he requested $ 1.4 million from venture investors privacy easier.

"Change employers as business partners."

Jeff Hill, Bert is an example of the Mod in organizations. To help turn the unit's one. Near fall to start new successful.

In 2545 Robert Hill, the executive department of design services company Conventor chip design software category. Located in the North Carolina State. Agencies that oversee them have the time to come. It is a good product that can be applicable in wireless phones.

This Hill and Bert noticed that while the parent company with an overview of the problem. But his department still has to enter the work. The orders from many companies. Chip using a mobile phone.

After Convertor problem Bert Hill asked the company to separate departments, he supervised the work. Set out a small company that can stand on its own. He has been approved by the Board of Directors to separate entities away. With a new name that Wispry.

Wispry patented products are now. Totaled U.S. $ 6 million. It is copyrighted intellectual property of other employees are currently 7 people have cash flow in the organization hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Robert Hill today, sitting in the CEO's company Wispry development experts specifically for mobile chips. This helps extend the lifetime of the battery is 20-40% currently has offices located in Irvine. California.

Robert Hill also left instructions that place. Do not rely too much as the parent company. Sooner or later the idea would be starting a new stand and protect themselves.

"Wireline job is a passport to a new business".

Any final recommendations in this case from David Book Spansion new ideas for services. A foundation to start a business that should be survival. After the old business and no survival.

Bookmark Flash working partnership among the City law firm of Phil De La Fiat decade after the end of the year 2533, the company will not seem old tomorrow. Look how they think the process of law filed in local courts. Source of new business for themselves.

The book fashion know. If he can manage the process of creating the lawsuit in court. They can offer leading. And good enough for an attorney general willing to pay. Access to the system. And this process.

And this president to help support law book fashion. The efforts of the staff. By providing this service, separate from the core legal services. Book and let fashion develop new services themselves.

From this perspective. Bookmark this fashion suggest that the owner S. E. M. All are committed as he intends to see that boss or senior executives of a friend as partner friendly home match.

Bookmark Spansion has set up a new company name called. MarketSpan in 2539 by his former law firm is under a 1-year hard work out late partner. A software developer. Products to assist the courts step before another 4 years of 88 law firms from America's top 100 companies. Including the company said an old fashion book. We have signed a new customer service system of book fashion. And the latest CourtLink. Have to acquire many MarketSpan money value of $ 35 million.


Today ....... Do you have a business plan or already have

When talk about business plans. Operators A. Many SMEs will see a business plan is just the image.

Passport to borrow from financial institutions or venture into business. Venture Capital or Venture Capital. True business plan to what Amy SMEs than expected.

Days prior to the co-author of the training activities of the Institute of Business Plan and Medium-sized Enterprises at Thammasat Rangsit. And try to talk with Amy several SMEs. Have the opportunity to exchange ideas and experience with multiple operators. Has realized that. Benefits of a business plan that entrepreneurs are also aware of the limit and unable to adjust to the benefit to cost effectively as they should.

Today is for many top view perspective should not overlook the following.

1. A business plan is finalized ideas. Edge map as a leading official business. A. Many SMEs have a good idea. But do not know how to start a business. To convert the idea to do business or not. You can find answers from this business plan. By bringing these ideas to sort cent. Plain prospects. Opportunities and obstacles. Operators face in the real business. Combined with the strengths and weaknesses of the male experience of self-assembly. To lead to different strategies. To access the targeted customers. Business plan will enable operators to know that. You should go to plan or keep it permanently keep folding tray insert always try to think that a land you pretty good location in the heart of the city. Near the leading private universities. You wish to build a dormitory for students to rent. But you still lack experience in business. And know how to start. They may begin to study business opportunities. Data from the data of prospects. That demand for housing much. How behavior. What obstacles have strengths and weaknesses of what operators. Through the marketing plan to create marketing strategies to reach those customers. As well as the various figures and any assumptions. Create financial plan to consider the investment worthwhile, or do not cover. What is the point of payback.

2. Business plan help in the control areas. The business plan. Plan that will include sub-plans, marketing plans, production plans, including money management plan when operators business plan was completed. Such plans can be compared to the actual events that occurred. To assess performance. Is like as a barometer of management areas. A to SMEs. That is what we point to overlook. And what points need to be, and more.

3. Testamentary business is like a business plan to deliver to children. Delivery business, passed on from one generation to another is. Can start by providing your children learn from working in real organizations. But one way to help businesses heirs learn your business in a short period of time than is the business plan to offer you. Heir business can learn from the short business plan. A review of ideas in the business of heir. As well as view the business operators were full. Without significant time to learn to work at other departments. When looking heir to a more comprehensive picture. Images can be. To each other like picture puzzles Law. And the business plan as an intermediary in the talks discussed with operators who are fathers. The concept, which can transfer to heirs more. Including teaching strategies. In business through the business plan as an intermediary.

4. Business plan is a tool to analyze the lending or venture capital. Business plan will help enable financial institutions or venture capital business. Can understand the business of the S. E. M.. That have come to do. Future will continue to whither. Have the ability or potential profit growth in how much. Have the ability to repay loans or not. Return on investment is how. Appropriate to the venture, or lending or not.

5. Learning is a business plan draft machine businesses. To compete in the business field. In field operations. To get to know us is important. Business plan will enable us to study the competition of perspectives. And the images. The interaction of competition measured to reflect the impact on business. To build image ideas clearly. Preparation for the next strategic move. The business plan is often a simulated events. That may occur in real situations (Sensitivity Analysis) as competitors reduced price. Or special promotion. Or new products come out to vie for market, or if new competitors into the industry that we operate so we will have strategies to respond and interact in various situations. Them how.

For example, in the case. If the land next. Apartments are up to live. To sell to some students. We should protect our market approach to how the operator strategy and a backup plan in advance to interact competitors. Or respond to various situations. Changed instantly. A good business plan. Operators must make their own. To come to know that. And when to modify or amend it later. They can do their own players without difficulty. Important learning concepts in the work of the business plan. Business plan that will benefit cost is guide to the business. The experts may have to help advise on the plan time. Organized courses in business plan to the operator. Many institutions will use to access passenger operators lecture. When the course is to write their business plan. The majority of operators are often installed on various issues. Especially in conversion ideas. And figure out a strategy. The author did not know how to start. What should be written. Information industry conditions. Be available from anywhere.

From observations of the author. Writing a good map. Identification must be made by operators themselves. The experts may have to write a plan forward articulate mentor. Advice on writing a business plan to face. Apart from the additional new insights. Operators may be to overlook. Views from experts to help close vulnerabilities added strength in business of operators. Monitor a business plan consultant. Should have experience in same or similar business operators. Make the best ideas more comprehensive. To build realistic business plan to the Book of business operators continue.

However, the business plan is a paper sheet. Having a good business plan does not guarantee the success of the business. Business plan will help enable operators to see a picture of the business all over. Good business plan must be practical. To modify the factors and the changing environment and to control risk factors that must be faced to find ways to manage or reduce such risks. With a lot of useful business plan.

Continue to ask questions that today's entrepreneurs and business plans, or if the answer is to want to encourage you made a release. To add perspective to the business try to contact several institutions that offered a business plan or institutions to small and medium-sized enterprises.

Business plan with owner

Many people do not know boss business plan. To work for many years. But still never made a business plan before.
Some people have not seen a replay. It is surprising but true that not be possible. But it is already. Overseas General. (Except certain countries), every owner must ทั้งนั้น own business plan. Although not a writer. No claims that the account owner does not own good must be business people who understand themselves as possible. No one will understand what the page better than they have. Can not write to each other instead.

Map of Business Business Plan ....

I am surprised that many people never boss business plan before. The authors claim that many backward. Or no understanding of accounting. Or do not know the plan. But that's not all claims. Because prior to doing business. Everyone must think and think again. And crystallization of ideas to be set forth. Like to sell anything to anyone. When you begin. How many people will be hired. What position do. How much total investment. Made cost-effective or not. If not enough money to make money will come from, etc. That is what good business plan.

But that is not written down in writing it does not mean that doing business without a plan. Many people see a business plan is a tool to borrow money from financial institutions only. That is merely a part. Not a single business plan objectives.

If the bankers own lending money to people they do business must know what he took to be together to do just that confident he will do well. Will have enough money to pay interest or principal when not. In addition to bank said. Who wants to see some ล่ะ business plans. Least business partners. He will not believe the words that explain nothing as constant as the main base. In addition, the owner himself to see the business plan. Will see an overview of business without omissions. Who has another important role that they deserve to see the company's business plan. Are senior executives. The middle of the company. Waterman these people is that the lieutenant business owner to reach the goal. These people must be involved in the business plan. At least they must have realized the details of the plan. To be driving business to the path set to boss.

Business plan must be written down.

I asked what was planned or not. There are many times that has never answered that hardly believe what was not planning to all. Fact, we plan every day. Almost every minute is all that matters. Since plans from home. A rainy day. You would think the car must be certain. They must run away from home early. Will not work to call. Or some people have to call. No appointment and what they might call from home to all. To avoid traffic jam, etc. We plan together, from small to big issues. But seldom written down.

For the business plan. Not not write. Because it involved many people. Also last for long. If no written note is not little. Or climate change. The new mood. They may think it is another to have. Need to write down everyone understands match. They must understand themselves match itself when the same plan. Otherwise work to maintain some of the symptoms was indeed distorted.

Are questions that. If business plans fail in the hands of competitors may be harmful to business. This is not worrisome players. As long as the numbers and important information does not appear in the plan clearly. (Normally would not have written clearly that size) that would not be concerned because. Who know the business best. Is the author who plans to practice only. People often do not understand well the size. In addition. Over the plan to become a letter to hand competitors. Long as it is to be obsolete already. Businesses may already be starting too. Like the white man his. Business plans are obsolete from the printers. What then is to fear.


Operator new strategy

Strategies for success. The business is located in the United States risks a company's success rate.

5 is a small company of 100 companies therefore need to prepare for difficult situations. Both visible and invisible. However. Your success may be. If you have patience. Commitment seriously and are working hard strategy. And do everything necessary in each step. Following a strategy that small business success. But can not be guaranteed. Will only recommend opportunities that success only increased.

1. Conscious self-assessment questionnaire for potential entrepreneurs. You may be aware of your availability that is how. Before you commit capital and mind power power power time is very necessary that you must evaluate their own prior assessment of potential. A set of operators to be successful in any business or industry is. Take several years. But you can accelerate easily. The research seriously. Research or data collection possible. But if you can do your own research is better. Earnestness in the work all. Building relationships with people in business and customer security. Especially the faithful to partners or customers. Meeting to talk with friends or anyone who you think will listen to your thoughts. Or encouraging people to wait for you always. To maintain long-term benefits. Usually takes 3-5 years to get companies to trust. And popular in the market.

Questions to assess their own before the start of business operations.

1. Features operators.

2. You like to decide by yourself or not.

3. Do you like competition in business or not.

4. You are in control of their commitment to work or not.

5. You like to plan in advance or not.

6. You tend to work successfully and timely goals or not.

7. After starting the business. You are prepared to reduce the standard of living down to business until a certain income or not.

8. You are healthy or not. Do you have a congenital disease that will affect the hard work and long-term or not.

9. You will accept what you did wrong and then listen to any suggestions or warnings or not.

10. If your business failure. You prepare to lose them or not.

11. You can withstand the pressure and stress or not.

12. You can adjust strategies quickly when circumstances change or not.

13. You can start and run their own without help or encourage others to have or not.

14. You can decide quickly and do not regret the decision you made an error or not possible.

15. You trust someone or not then people trust you or not.

16. You can solve problems quickly. Efficiently and with confidence or not.

17. You can maintain a good attitude when you are in front of your enemy or not.

18. You are a good speaker or not. You can describe your ideas to others to understand or not.

Personal skills.

1. You can think of at least 10 skills that will make you very successful in business or not.

2. You have those skills. Level in any medium, high or low.

3. Those skills will help you do business.

4. You can sharpen their skills or find people with skills and expertise required for your business or not.

5. You can tell at least 5 reasons why you want to be entrepreneurs or start a business or not.


1. You can write to the success factors of at least 5 things that will allow you to target within 1 year of doing business or not.

2. Goods or services in your market needs or not.

3. You know whether your competitor is none. And how you will compete for your business the peer successfully.

4. You expect that you will have much income. And when you will have the income.

5. If you do not have the prospective income. You plan to do.

6. You know the amount you need to start or not. You will make money and how the capital.

7. If you have your own business. You can make money than you working for someone else or not.

8. Family support your ideas in your business or not. And ready to sacrifice what you need to start business or not.

Venture capitalists.

If the start of your business. Will have more than 1 person each person should answer these questions.

1. You choose the reason is because in business or not. (Not because it is the same friend).

2. The merger is targeted to your business like you or not. Or that a different target.

3. People that know themselves what is advantage or disadvantage or not.

4. You know or not that person is qualified to do the skills and expertise.

5. Plan income and welfare benefits that the merger is to be accepted or not.

6. Functions in decision making and operations of each recognized by all parties or not.

7. If an individual can not plan expected to be a way to make that person out.

8. You will do if the merger one from the company or die.

Skills and expertise.

Skills and expertise is most important in business to succeed. You should know that your level of ability in high medium or low in these things. Advantages and disadvantages of each of what was to develop better training or more.

1. Financial.

2. The market.

3. The development of products and services.

4. The direct and indirect sales.

5. Advertising and promotional products.

6. Accounting.

7. People management.

8. The business plan.

2. Knowledge marketplaces or services and customers, "you do business to customer needs" Derek Hansen, founder of American Capital Access "if you are not sensitive to the needs of customers. Do not know who is the customer. Know how to reach customers and critical knowledge that will motivate customers to buy products or services that you do. You must ask for help then. "

Good marketing plan is a factor leading to success. This will need to know about your market. Analyze the current situation and trends in c Waa want your product or service. Analysis of problems or obstacles and opportunities to market research, market location prospects. Your product or service in any class. How you will sell. How much set. Advertising and promotion do. Before you create a plan. Efficient of you. You will find real information about your products or services. Will need to enter the library. Meetings with clients. Studies of advertising for other businesses. As well as competitors. And consultant who specializes in the organization. Associations related to your business. When you collect data and then put clear by writing the following list.

Details about each business in the following.

Goods or services.

Location in the sales market in each area. Divided into sectors in the province or abroad. Advantages or features of goods or services.


How sales and sales support.

Distribution methods.

After-sales service.

Details about the customer.

Based on age, gender, income customers and neighbors.

Customers know about what products or services such as direct sales from advertising flyers spread widely Yellow Pages.

How consumer behavior is like. Where customers buy. Read what customers view what anyone listening.

Why customers buy products or services such as quality, comfort. After-sales service.

Product reliability. Buy products easily affordable.

What customers are not satisfied. Such as product or service. Then how much more satisfied customers.

Details and budget plans.

Marketing methods used.

Methods used successfully.

Compare the cost of sales.

Compare the cost of one per customer.

How to market a new way to draw new customers.

What percentage of your earnings will be used in marketing.

A hand is what the market such as advertising in newspapers, magazines, yellow pages. Radio ads broadcast on television by mail by phone. Or with social activities such as sponsor various social events, meetings.

How to test marketing concepts.

How to measure the market to do.

Marketing tool that you can do immediately.

Object of desire is to support sales. Information from your communications to customers. Encourage customers interested in your product or service. Attract customers to purchase additional sales. Another important thing is. Make sure the market is doing to you. The customers you really want to attract. Because the current market is much different.

3. Know the status of competition and competitors.

Pair of competing with someone where you are doing is. How will you compete to win. You will produce what products or services to the selling point of the prevailing competition. Learn how to sell advertising market distribution. Promotion or sales support. And after-sales service is what our competitors.

4. Knowledge of government policies promoting.

Find information or resources to trade promotion funding or services to support businesses. Whether the Ministry of Education Institutions Bureau, Department of any nation. Such as the Department of Export Promotion to support exporters to exhibit abroad issued by the costs in part. And operators must observe trends that another 5 to 10 years the government will support what.

5. Long-term financial planning.

Financial problems are one of the main reasons that businesses miss. Since the start of the small business loans will be harder for large companies, however, owners who borrow money could be closing too quickly because no money. Capital in the operations during the critical first 2 years of operations. So before you start business. Are much needed to plan how much money you want. To establish the amount varies. Trade or manufacturing operations to fund more services. And depending on how you are. You also need to ask yourself whether you need money to do anything. To much. The funds for business development is not expected or not. When and how to pay back and pay. You can undertake in lending money or not. You can avoid financial crises will occur from lack of capital in the future by following the instructions below. Presented by financial experts for small and medium enterprises is Hinden, Owen, and Engelke maintain good relationships with many people to borrow or evaluation requirements and prepare financial statements before they begin to borrow money. very reasonable as possible. Written loan contract every time. Do not think that silence is approved loans. Do not use interest rates as key factors in determining the request for loan. If borrow from one source would not surrender or do not think the lender will not allow anyone with a forward observation point changes in the business always. Savings does not mean no money. Not limited to the capital that banks only.

6. Accounting.

Many operators may think that hard work or the market is important. However, point-point operators must focus is "balance" in the operations or management tasks. You need to use numbers to. And you can not do business. Without proper accounting system. To use as a tool in management. Incomplete information is a serious error of operators has, however, if you make the system easier. That can be done with time and at minimal cost. In addition, financial information accurate and complete to help you plan your move. Business growth in the future. Account for the resume book. Which must be accurately reported sales variable costs, fixed cost overhead. In operating profit and loss of inventory tax debtors and creditors. It also includes comparisons with the current fiscal years that results. Money management and budget targets, how successful different.

Into account how the principles are 2 main methods are the main cash arrears.

Main cash income is recorded when received. And costs into account when the payment is real. But with major arrears. Will be recorded revenue and total expense incurred that are not funded. Or not received. And pay or not pay. When payment is received or that it will need to hold an account with. To give you a good accounting system. You should consult a financial adviser or an accountant in particular.

7. Practice management performance.

The core business consists of planning, organization and implementation of business controls that are not successful mostly due to management errors. Main rules of the Small Business Administration is to know that you are standing on the spot where ever.

Examples of errors that often occur with the executive.

Hiring the wrong people.

Training employees is not appropriate.

Trying to do too.

Time management mistake.

Expand too much.

Whether or economic circumstances are good or bad. Not about the administration. Some executives may have an opportunity to change the barrier. Although the adverse economic good may not be good time management. To be a successful executive must lead by good. Several experts. People believe that the characteristics of a good leader must have the ability to motivate and recommend ways to attract attention. And must have skills that will yield a high rate. And can control the satellite to meet the target. Good leaders must be flexible. Because the situation changes all the time and satellite related.

8. Sell a product or service quality.

Quality of goods or services is to maintain the company's success remains forever. If you do an excellent marketing strategy could lead customers to the next door to you. If your item is not customer satisfaction. Customers are not buying your products again. If customers used to talk to another. It will further damage our business. Therefore, you must know the advantages and disadvantages of your product or service. If it's already better to treatment. Or better. If not good improvement to meet customer satisfaction. Heart of the business is customers. Therefore, customers need to understand and very important clients. Design or customer service needs. Development standards of product quality and value of goods is always good. If the quality of the product when you fall. When is your competitors will interfere immediately.

9. Hiring the right people.

People with good performance may be the main mechanism that leads to success was "one of the most difficult task of furniture is to establish a good and raw materials. Reliable employees, "said one owner who. And that one thing is more difficult to manage. Having good employees is critical to the company. But leaders also need good motivation to work with. In the employment process is not inadvertently. Before the job postings. You must set position. And job duties. Educational qualification and experience you need. Salary and benefits. You must consider the number of hours per week to do. Number of days per week on sick leave, vacation leave on a training mission to retire. Of Assessing. Raising dismissal.

Methodology employment and training should be well prepared to have qualified personnel and work effectively. Sources you can search employees by advertising in newspapers. University recruitment agents, etc..

Any source you choose depends on the features you need to hire staff. After you read the job profiles and application then. To test candidates that fit the position or not. The interviews. Or check with a reference to how that worked. As the interview only asked about work that had to do was to ask what time the interviews that do not forget to assess what is not in the personal history is the brightest human skills. And willingness to work. Once you have selected people then. They need to build a good charitable work for the patient with skills to communicate better. Or is genuinely listening audience well. And the other is human. It is important to develop relationships.

Owner of one of "The hiring good people. Develop appropriate relationships. And make employees part of the operation is key for business. Successful "even if you hire the right people. A system to award any appropriate. And a good relationship with the satellite. You may have problems as well. This is the nature of the business.

10. Choose the right location with the goods or services.

As the selected goods or services, personnel selection and location are key factors to success as well. Place to store your set should be decided in advance. Should choose locations based on type of product or service and target customers are. Primary than personal comfort.

If your business is a retail business location, your location should be busy. Both pedestrian and vehicle should be considered with the car park. Mass transit. Metro bus station parking appropriate to the business district. If you rent a place. You should ask why the previous tenants to relocate. Ask to try the most about locations and customers. Beware that if the building is rent availability may mean much any place that the economy is depressed or in developing new environment.

For manufacturing and services. Should be located near sources of production close to customers and facilitate the shipment and comply with regulatory regions, as defined for future growth. Factors in selecting a location below.

Sources near customers or prospects.

Is in the source material.

Area can easily find workers.

Convenient transportation.

A car or pedestrian over the many. (Especially retail and service outlets).

Parking is adequate.

Have full facilities such as water, electricity telephone.

Mission in December to extend the model, the sources in the future.

A source of business.

The police and fire station quality.

Create independent business flow

Start of each business. Have come to differ. Based on experience in business.

Or a consultant with expertise. Come forward to help guide analysis of economic trend. That the opportunity to successfully do. Or going to kind of purpose.

Many people who have no experience or learn the business directly. Often intuition in business decision to start something. Some are successful. Some people are not like that look. What then is the condition of success. What is the condition of failure.

In fact. Are several factors that are key to success. If we can not compare a Bayyatiatryagss has come. Because each condition. Depending on circumstance. Known that simple is the right time or not. But these elements are so important that it will not. In fact. We can be as basic guidelines to consider before starting a business act.

I would not say the factors that will help in determining the business started. Because textbooks are plentiful in many markets is not difficult to buy players. But would like to mention some business. Beyond the textbooks to tell if then. Your many readers may not believe. Or unexpected, it will be a business. A way to initial. For those who do not have much business experience. And may be applied to competency or the self-existing. Without reference to the flow of business that is becoming popular. (And of course ... very popular. The competition is very high) area there is one area of specialized business. And high capital only.

For example, business. Soccer / futsal field rental. To combine many forms several courses. Some people have full play. Some will be announced liquidation affairs. If we have one field to view the full rent will always find that most likely caused by the same share of people who love to play. And combined to go rent a field. And the idea that if they do not need to own rent. Re also able to hire other people too. Which is based on the location. That travel easily or do not. It also has a host of friends will use. Unlike the open because people see other people playing field so much. Was thought to be a good opportunity. But lack of content on a wide range of names. This may not be the most successful time.

From where I acted as consultant to conduct business with many customers. The opportunity to see various phenomena of interest fairly. The issue that I will be listening to this story. About people who are interested in a specific concentration and take a hobby. Studies find a really nice scrap or if a call is extremely "indulgent" and sure enough that if a session is wallowing in the past few decades back. Someone else would look that is absolutely ridiculous.

But today the indulgence of one group of people. Has become a career. Become a business. Become a special higher-value substantially. Both in terms of trading. Or in the data.

"Fans pure" television program that the indulgence of one party in interesting. Visual people. Into the flow that. Someone who is interested in any thing seriously. How to know true depth knowledge. Who will be recognized as experts in that. Without a license to wait for his director. Allow views of society about people from this group to change.

But not just. The recognition by society that is not the final one species has been intensive.

What follows is to create business opportunities arise. Some in the Cumulative Specialty toy giveaway from a consumer. Accumulated together solidly. From passion to collect more. And the volume tremendously. Which is preserved well. Until one day when as a collector of old toys collected from people interested. Buying - selling exchange would occur. The price of buying - selling is based on the old conditions, including a number of special corner in the other.

Some people can own book knowledge about collecting itself knead. Clean the entire life. Which held that a business opportunity, one more channel.

If asked about the acceptance by the consumer. This would need to look at a specific group. In his social community where people like to have the same interests. This would result in exchange of what they are interested. That is interchangeable with no items or even use the money buy. But there is one note that if your readers are interested to change hobbies. As a business. There must have fairly large network that is people from around the world to collect interest accrued interest as a souvenir from Coke Pepsi Mac Donald FC shirts, etc. that are of current employees. accumulated by the world's largest Coke in our treasured Eastern Thailand.

That said, it is only part of the hobby to a business change. Which also has many ways to start a business owner. If we need to know the differences between the start because they see opportunities. (Which do not take themselves to think that we see only one. When we see. They see other people as well) to begin with from what self-love self-love. When knowledge and I hope to start a business of your readers will start. Happy and secure.


"Best new business ideas" is to survive or not

Other business ideas transparent. May occur suddenly immediately. Or they may be derived from consideration. Tracking the period of discovery is at.
For a veteran matchmaker the business battlefield. The rough skate video switch. Of ideas that came up short on a paper napkin in a restaurant. It may turn into a business without hard money million players.
But for the new owner. How will I know that ideas arise. Be made when the business actually going to survive or not?
How to check the business ideas that will survive or not. The technique can be called. "Market analysis".
Starting from business ideas or thoughts immediately. The step failed. "Market analysis" has become a trap or snare boss made several new revenue to the stars. Or use of capital no less. Commit to irrelevance.
And later came to know that. This makes the cost of building more business without.
The "market analysis" will allow the new owner. Preliminary know that. Their business ideas. Potential and the opportunity to succeed in the market how much bass without the need to venture into a number immediately.
If not survive will have to turn to build up a new pace.
If the potential good will began to act with confidence Louis.
Sometimes they need a result from analysis to improve or extend decoration ideas out. To fit the market better multiple rounds.
Enough already "market analysis" is to bring ideas to our business. Look back in detail various aspects is included 4.
1. Goods or services.
2. Customers.
3. Competitors.
4. Alliance partners support and assistance.
A matchmaker for SMEs that want to make. "Market analysis" by itself simple. Try to answer that. Own the following topics to view.
Goods or services.
Features or characteristics of any product (or service) that will lift sales to a point.
How customers will benefit when the product (or service) of us.
We guarantee our products which level (for example, is not good to allow a refund, etc.).
Packaging box, package will look like what.
How to set the selling price.
How to sell (sell fresh, believes sales, direct sales home based, mail order, wholesale, retail, etc.) try to explain as much detail as you think.
Image of the goods (or services) or the company meaning that we want to do a market (such as cheap, of luxury, quality, low price, the price is good, etc.).
Aim to target any particular client (such as youth groups, groups working age, the housewife, the tourists or the nearby villages, the province, particularly in the province, or group of exporting only the farmers, the young office,. the players, etc.) to clearly identify the most.
Who decided to "choose" to purchase goods. Who is who "buy into" who "use" (such as diapers decision is the parent. The purchase is to mentor. Users are children).
Will send signals or messages to targeted customers know how that our products and services.
Customers buy our products or services where.
Expects the purchase of our many pieces. Per month / per year.
Competitors who have a few more.
Each competitor is about how some sales.
Management of individual competitors who have a professional or a self-owner.
Strengths weaknesses of each competitor is how.
Compare products, our competitors, each with a unique point of difference between how senior.
Each competitor using strategy dreadful. Documentation such as sales brochures, posters, catalog advertising, etc. work.
Competition for goods or raw materials which come from any source.
Individual competitors who are likely to grow or are having problems.
Who is the market leader in areas such as sales, quality, image, and the advertising budget, etc..
Alliance partners support and assistance.
With any business or to enhance our business or our business may be based access.
A government which is ready to help us or not. Especially in the case of business, we may have problems.
The club or association has any business to benefit our business.
Use the Internet to find information related to our business or not.
These are brief examples. To make the new owner can use. "Market analysis" to find the potential of our business ideas that. Enough to result in market or not.
Each topic. More information is available specific information related to your business interests add unlimited. If it is analyzed in more aspects of your analysis will be more accurate.
And will answer any questions you have that. Ideas to your business will survive or not.
Generally. If anyone has reviews or suggest ideas that our focus is how the void. We tend to argue back and the symptoms were not accepted. Cause neglect to revise.
Fight look concave points themselves are not. Which will see problems. Has clear statements.
Not fall into a trap by imprudence.

Multiple ways to start a business

Each year many people want to own a business owner. This article provides an introduction to the options business.

That should be used as a good starting point. Which suggests the benefits. And disadvantage of each method making decision.

First, the idea of a good business.

Good business ideas that may come from breaking new ground. Whether a product or service. Or may be in original ideas or ways to fix the problem with everyday life. This may be gaps in the market that you can fulfill is. Business related to the work you do. Interests or hobbies that you can change the business has been doing. Whether the ideas generated by whatever. You must ensure that meet both your personal needs. And the possibility of doing business in this case is a question that you must answer to yourself before the decision.

Do you have experience and expertise for what used to benefit the business you choose.

A market that some people think you need some. Where customers were. And he will agree to pay to buy your ideas or not.

How does the size of the market. And how you will reach.

Who are your key partners curse.

What are your thoughts specifically. Are different from goods and services existing or not.

You how to invest.

You will do if things go wrong.

Two experimental methods to model the existing business.

Several business people from using the shortcut. The purchase of existing businesses. Or acquisition of franchises. The business model is known and accepted in the market. To reduce the risk of new initiatives alone. This method has both advantages and disadvantages.


Easy to borrow money.

Products and services offered in the market.

Business plan and marketing approach is placed on clear rules.

Help create a valuable experience in the business for a very good start.

Many problems have been discovered and fixed.

Some franchises come with the funding with.


Business sale price of some special cause subsequent problems. You must ensure that reasonable understanding of the sale clearly. That you may have to pay an increased price you purchased it to improve the opportunity to have direct stem;

Ownership rights to the franchise. Or the right to sell and service any one could have a very high price.

In the case of the franchise. Maybe you could find the restrictions on business operations. That you have locked inevitably have.

Three-way format only.

Sometimes business owners may come from unexpected ways, such as has been proposed to acquire from employers. Or the opportunity to oversee the family business, etc. to start in this business, just like other forms you will need is a commitment and high commitment. Along with the required capital for the business flow. You need to assess the importance and feasibility of your business carefully.


With operations in the development of products and services, planning and testing markets already.

Customers already have. A certain part of income. Reputation is known in one class. And also a network of contacts that are useful for.

In the case of acquisition by the employer. You may have knowledge. Expertise already in the old capital.


You may be required to undertake the problem of people before so you have a question about themselves that can resolve existing or not.

In the case of acquisition by the employer. You may lose benefits you've received from the employee. At the same time. You must bear the burden of increased responsibility, whether the account. Management personnel. And pay salaries, etc..

How to do business is the last overtime.

If nature can work part-time business can. You can decide to select a format suitable for the current job or other responsibilities. When business is good. Official event or circumstances change. You may be cutting into business infrastructures.


You still have income while your business is not strong enough.

Modern technology such as answering phones and Internet E-mail contact can help each other. Even if you do not have the time.


Strain and fatigue may be difficult for you to manage the time you need to do business.

May require longer time to be a business.

You may have to pay income tax for both a higher rate than normal. (Advance rate).

Many see this as the safest method. Because you still have a certain income along with income that will occur with the business. Legal does not need to tell your employer that you are doing business. Although some defined in the contract prohibits other employees work. You may ask how to adjust work hours more flexible substitute.


10 business ideas "opportunities" in the economy down

From conversations in the coffee line to the news on newspapers. Today agree.

The fact that any one "bad news" to appear more "good news" bad news that sales of large collapses are a never-before. The bad news is a daily job reductions.

New central portal "bad news" these days have read a small news. (Stressing that small actually) comes news of the growing outsourcing of brand name clothing at low prices "U blackamoor" someone called "GAP" even though the Japanese version will have previous experience with the condition. emphasized the poor over time. But the economic down turn allows consumers to buy popular clothing prices, which is "U blackamoor" be able to respond directly to the consumer proposition. Made from the latest ranking of Forbes Inc., even check your private showing how to "blackamoor U" became the most prosperous among the people in Japan. More wealthy and have the brand value over "แก็ year" original brand clothes cheap in the United States.

Immediately to mind the saying of "Chai Chai color" Big Bos of the "Thai Life Insurance" at the recent talks, he said that "global economic crisis is not always bad. Not bad for everyone in the crisis to an opportunity for operators in several sexual Potter "him to listen to information growth of agricultural produce seed for sale. A good explosive. Because players consumption in the United States ever buy buy buy and start turning their attention to food production and plant eating itself. Even in the sales of canned tuna produced another little delay. Because consumers are used to save homes from policy uncertainty, economic cessation materials used in cooking the meat expensive. But what a turn to take back a Two Basic. Like canned tuna.

Crisis has not been a single. But also with enough opportunities for people to see. Recent popular magazines operators in the United States. "Aung Terry Perry Partners" has been picked out. "Business of opportunity" that has ranked the top 10 that includes business.

1. A business consultant. Reason is that many employees are being issued or prepared away from work. The policy of releasing people not less. Cause they are a chance to do business. Of course, business consulting to bring these inexperienced operators to. Success is required.

2. Social network for business (social networking for business) as an operator first access to new social networks. The same number. It is therefore an opportunity for businesses to mediate in the coordination to them. The access network.

3. Alternative energy generation where they want to save the business of alternative energy. It is an opportunity for consumers seeking to reduce energy costs in both. Business and life.

4. Environmental services. In this ranking, he accepted that. Business related. Environment is a new issue in the United States. (Seems to be the same with Thailand: the author), so people start before they have the opportunity.

5. Business health. They say no matter what the situation is economic. But for this section would be of interest from people. Because everyone wants all the long life and good quality of life.

6. A nail salon business and the business of aesthetic analysis that would look like that. How will this section is Peter never decreased all growth, whether through the crisis many many times.

7. Business shops selling cheap. Today people want nothing more than the lowest priced. If you want to see the analysis of successful examples to try to see Wal - 99 stores to St. Lambert and Li transfer store (similar to the 100 yen shop) do.

8. Memory products, see Angelica. Or products on the market crowd. Said that despite the economic slowdown. But for people on a level with enough money to buy much. They have enough money to buy goods and services. So for people caught in the sex market sector has future.

9. IT products. This business can be a help in doing business in terms of cost reduction such as reducing travel costs through online meetings and 10. Business credit and debt management. Certain that each of them is planning on becoming a necessity in the very first. Life of consumers.

With all of these reasons. Underscores once again to see that day filled with bad news. Good news also comes with the only hope you will always be the one to see.

10 reasons to prescribe the success of the SMEs

1. Target you can not sell everything to all people. So before you start business.

You need to make decisive decisions and that you intend to sell what the people do.

2. The difference if you know who are competitors and they are doing is. They do not follow him. From the market turn to whether the goods or services which are similar to each other to create new markets unique ล่ะ that your best.

3. Do not build a team to not only employ the vacancy. You should choose to hire people who will be able to be part of a team that will help create more business.

4. Fast time is the most valuable item in the business. If you must ship by Friday. Thursday afternoon trying to send them. Additionally, should call back or answer e-mail client as soon as possible.

5. Say "thank you" the words "thank you" more often from heart to let your customers and employees know that you are grateful they do. Or is it better to try more traditional methods. It is written in handwriting on paper and send them. All together much more impressive.

6. Consistent look and feel but maintain a customer to your business to remain consistent. Customers must receive care as well, whether from any of its employees.

7. Iigmsyam If you think the reason people buy your products because they like the price on product quality. Or warranty is already ล่ะ. The cast is left to think ซะ. Then think how bad they buy because they like you. So when they sell to smile into the equation with the people of Siam.

8. Do not stop thinking that people compare business is like water in the glass to the water. Only half always. So that will add something new into becoming the same with your study efforts to stop learning. Applying new methods to bring competition to be forever.

9. Gradually dim, but not sales growth, but regardless of market or sales. You should be gradual. Market impact before do not need any expensive advertising to pay heavily. Turned to focus on the needs of customers will be better. Doing what is best for customers. Not for yourself!

10. Think outside the box, you must walk out of the box or do something different from what had made any such help, if not used technology in business, then do not fear it. Not to exceed one school.


Open to ideas for success SMEs (1)

When it enters the field of competition then. I believe that. Most operators do not want to lose.

But often find ways to success in business. Evidenced by the marketing strategies in various forms. To generate sales. As well as learning to work from a new idea. When business information for business. Marks this is my offer ideas that will be part of that business success follows.

1. Financial concepts. This is about exploring ideas, capital and profitability. Any business that is not on the ทำการบ้าน. Opportunity to make a successful business can be difficult. Therefore, operators must plan for the financial support over the years. Which have 2 separate issues as follows.

- Although the business capital will not be any impact on sales. But need to focus on capital management, such as lack of liquidity when the business will have difficulty funding the support of the organization. Without sufficient working capital will be looking for capital. Or even about the administration and management of production costs to comply with. Circumstances. The operators need to have a solution in the reduction of expenses for costs such as production increased. Or even material that was imported from Japan. Need to change the imports from other countries to help organizations pay less and use more renewable materials and so on.

- Sales of products focused on sales is often the organizations. Focus well. As a process that enables organizations to create capital and survive. Therefore need to focus on the strategy of selling products by the market regardless of the environment. This means circumstances. Occurred was affecting sales increased or decreased. If the problem results in any period of time. Businesses need strategies that can increase sales by taking into account market and. A major consumer.

นะคะ remember that. Financial concepts that are related to revenues and expenses. Whenever revenues less expenses. I think it's time to adjust processes to increase sales. And make the financial situation of the organization into normal.

2. The concept of process. I have always stressed that the product is critical to the survival of the business. Therefore, operators need to generate ideas to develop and improve their performance. To increase productivity. It is the only way to strengthen the business sustainable. Additionally, a focus on continuous process is dependent on. That affect their capacity to compete. The following factors must be involved.

- Reduce errors and reduce corruption in the production. Businesses need to import raw materials from abroad. The most expensive. Policy work to clear such action carefully. Training, expertise, etc. To be a key way to help organizations survive is not to produce any type of product if the product can reduce the amount of damage and impairment to the standard will reduce costs and. Optimization. Therefore, processes must be planned well in every aspect.

- Reduce time to work. Process that will not take long and reason for any problems. Organizations need to be studied to find a way to edit. If you can reduce the time to create a product from the 1 hour 30-45 minutes per organization will benefit not less so ever.

- Improve focus on the development process continued. Can empower organizations. Due to productivity and quality can compete in the market. Major consumers tend to focus on quality. When competition in the market quality. I think it's time to enhance the process.

Outside of financial concepts and processes and then. Businesses will be able to rely on consumers to track people and read the document page นะคะ that idea on the importance of how to help SMEs S towards success.

How to work out fair value.

What a question is. The job fair will be issued. How well prepared do.

Good day, head curtain Srisuk Research and development information. National Gem and Jewelry. Guide to the issuance of the International Fair. Not only that, but only jewelry techniques in the issuance of operators in other sectors can take advantage.

To work out the benefits of international fair is. Meet with customers directly. To offer new products.

Finally, it is to create a network of trade. Because the trade show. If the operators recognized opportunity. Studies find that the boot. In addition to competition, but also can find information on suppliers in the manufacturing cost. Lower or not we could be a supplier to any other one in the process of production time.

Channels in building relationships with customers in this state operators are likely to lose customers to an amount not less and finding new customers is. Costly than retaining outdated.

Especially in export business as if we have 10 customers in 10 U.S. states out of the Fair will help you 10 clients who come to our own airline to fly to a place we both 10.

A section on SMEs already decided to leave. Continue to prepare for a year. Book from Boots. Contact Gary Orr, Sir Night. Product development costs, but travel time reap the benefits. Back is just 5 days time, so only A. SMEs should try to reap the most benefits.

First, select the Fair. Each year the Fair will be not less than 200, then the kind of work that Amy SMEs should be selected out of.

"The size of the" facilities such as the Job Fair to Hong Kong. Getting to the Fair is quite convenient. The bus is possible. The Fair came to Europe easy, even in suburbs.

In the case of Russia see Russia has some potential. But from the Fair may be a while thinking hard. Because life in Russia is quite difficult. Travel from hotel to the venue is able to have 2 way to go to Metro and taxi taxi taxi driver will not speak another language. The hotel will be the manager, but enough to get themselves back leg quite hard. If the subway. If the baggage can be risky with fraud. If anyone will go out the factors should be considered here before.

In addition, the issuance of the Fair Russia, we will see from statistics that are not surveyed. If some people overseas to work out is just 4 percent of the then International. And the count of. Attendees. May include people who come to see the general as well as a copy & D Top with Marvel.

Costs in the boot out. In the first year the fair will provide a new page or new share issuance. And rent will be charged the full amount until the re-issued the following year. It will be less expensive.

Nature of work may be found such that the main product of what works. And What is the secondary product. Our products are organized in categories such as what if we sell Gems. But the highlight of our diamonds are not likely to have customers want.

Create an outline of the visitors. If Russia will not be easy to access. If found then that portion of our buyers come from Russia, Eastern increased. Residence of the visitors is the location of the market. We should work out.

Potential of the event. As well as rental costs typically when payments Boots Boots Boots 4,000 coins will have only the empty chair, table 1 the label number 3 spot light boot list option 2 and if want to add more pay.

Therefore, within 5 days will be how to most cost effective.

The first thing is the market activity before and during the event.

First, operators must release before that target existing customers and we will take. The number and goes to show how much boot. The good work should be made fair calendar. To all the sites to tell your customers know that. This year we will go where. Advertising through print media daily to make public. Relationship in each day. The product has to form Directory of work. Organizing fashion shows. To a place she considered advertising products within the store.

Hiring an interpreter in some countries that do not use English. May have an interpreter. Should be met before the 1-day meeting to learn about jargon interpreter may translate to missed or ignored some translation. And important in the negotiations may be lost during translation.

Including customs regulations. Import - export products. Regulations of each country. To provide good education before trading. These are the most important factor